Saturday, November 28, 2015

Forgive? U Krazy?

Forget the happy face--deal with it for reals!

How To Forgive, And Why You Should

I know, I'm messing in your business. Mine, too. But first, I would like to say what I mean by forgiveness. To me, that doesn't mean remaining a victim. You can stand up for yourself and still forgive who hurt you. The consequences of their actions will only change because you will not remain impaired or injured by them, but the incident can make you more empathetic and actually stronger. 

Their negative consequences of being a jerk or bully or worse will continue. To me, forgiveness doesn't even mean no legal action, or never speaking to them again, or throwing their stuff outside on the front lawn. That might be the right thing, the fair or safe, or just thing to do. To me, forgiveness means you believe you aren't in charge of the consequences this person deserves. A person of faith would think God is keeping track. Just by logic, a jerk, or bully, or criminal will have consequences sooner or later. 

You are just not in charge of the ones that don't affect you directly. No revenge. No taking up your thought life with what you'd like to happen to them. That is not healthy--that sucks up your energy and good plans for the future. It robs you of the joy of the present.

To be honest, this is my hardest Jesus Instruction. The Lord's Prayer--forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trepass against us. Arggh. Real clear. Takes humility to admit we aren't perfect and need forgiveness, and grace to forgive others, and faith to let God handle it..

Look out for you and your future. Don't let that ugly occurrence put you in prison--emotional or otherwise.

These are all non-religious sources concerning the psychological benefits of forgiveness.

The Healing Power of Forgiveness 

 Anger, Forgiveness, and Healing 

How To Forgive, And Why You Should 

How Do You Forgive Even When It Feels Impossible? 

So, here you think I've given you a way out of forgiving--read on:

Why You Don't Always Have to Forgive 



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Keep Moving To Keep Moving

Gardening is a marvelous activity: refreshing, always changing, and you get flowers!

Use it or lose it, right? So, if we plan to keep moving, we better give moving. Oh, the many sedentary temptations--I cannot even count them. Being an English major, I could just sit and read, write, enjoy videos endlessly, and it becomes increasingly inexpensive to to so. Except the cost to your health. Sedentary lifestyle is the new smoking, they say, as debilitating to your health. 

Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity 

Physical Exercise for Brain Health 

Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills 

Also, simple stretching gets the oxygen to your brain, where is belongs. Teachers, get you students to do simple streches and movements as a point of transition in class. You do them, too.

5 ways stretching benefits your health,10989 

How Stretching Can Improve Flexibility And Health,10989

Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms 

5 Ways to Sneak Exercise Into Your Daily Routine 

Health Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle

Is sitting on your backside dangerous? 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Gardening? Okay, That Sounds Like Fun.

Great articles. Gardening is good for us. And don't forget aromatherapy. Flowers, herbs, and the scent of the dirt after a rain!

6 Unexpected Health Benefits of Gardening

Why gardening is good for your health 

Proof: gardening is healthy 

Gardening’s Surprising Health Benefits 

Edible Front-Yard Gardening 

Small-space gardening 

23 Gardens You Can Totally Grow In Your Tiny Flat 




6 Unexpected Health Benefits of Gardening
6 Unexpected Health Benefits of Gardening